Gunday is an upcoming romantic action Hindi movie which is scheduled to be released on 14th February, 2014. Gunday is written and directed by Ali Abbas Zafar and produced by Aditya Chopra under the banner of Yash Raj Films. The movie features Ranveer Singh as Bikram and Arjun Kapoor as Bala in the lead roles while Priyanka Chopra as Nandita and Irrfan Khan as Satya appear in supporting roles. The shooting of the film is done in Kolkata and some parts at Durgapur and Raniganj. Gunday's music is composed by Sohail Sen, while its lyrics are penned by Irshad Kamil.
The movie is also to be released in Bengali with a full Bengali songs composed by Bappi Lahiri. This movie is also the first Indian film to have its trailer premier at the Dubai International Film Festival.
Gunday Full Movie 2014 Bengali Version
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In the 2000s, Lahiri lent his voice to hit songs like "Bambai Nagariya" from "Taxi No 9211" (2006), and "Ooh La La" from "The Dirty Picture" (2011). He also was one of the singers who sang "Tune Maari Entriyaan" from 2014's "Gunday". The lyrics for the Bengali version of the song were penned by Lahiri and Gautam Susmit.
"Yaar bina chain kahan re", and "Aaj rapat jaaye to", among others. In the 2000s, Lahiri was also one of the singers who sang "Tune Maari Entriyaan" from 2014's "Gunday". The lyrics for the Bengali version of the song were penned by Lahiri and Gautam Susmit. 2ff7e9595c